28/08/2019 - 27/11/2019 (Week 1 - Week 14)
Rifath Ali (0335738)
Final Compilation & Reflection


Exercises: Lettering & Type Expression

Project 1: Text Formatting and Expression

Project 2: Font Design

Final Project: Typography: Expression, Hierarchy and Composition


Exercises: Lettering & Type Expression
28/08/2019 - 25/09/2019 (Week 1 - Week 4)

Fig. 1.01: Lettering - "Free" Final JPEG

Fig. 1.02: Lettering; "Free" Final PDF

Fig. 1.03: Lettering; "Free" Final Animation
Fig. 1.04: Type Expressions; Final JPEG

Fig. 1.05: Type Expressions; Final PDF

Fig. 1.06: Chosen Type Expression; "Explode" Final JPEG

Fig. 1.07: Chosen Type Expression; "Explode" Final Animation

Project 1: Text Formatting and Expression
18/09/2019 - 02/10/2019 (Week 4 - Week 6)

Fig. 1.08: Text Formatting and Expression; Final JPEG

Fig. 1.09: Text Formatting and Expression; Final PDF

Project 2: Font Design
09/10/2019 - 23/10/2019 (Week 7 - Week 9)

Fig. 1.10: Font Design; Final Sketch

Fig. 1.11: Font Design; "Detach" Final JPEG

Fig. 1.12: Font Design; "Detach.ttf" Generated
Fig. 1.13: Font Design; "Detach" Final Poster JPEG

Fig. 1.14: Font Design; "Detach" Final Poster PDF

Final Project: Typography: Expression, Hierarchy and Composition
30/10/2019 - 20/11/2019 (Week 10 - Week 13)

Fig. 1.15: Typography: Expression, Hierarchy and Composition; "Design Communities, Not Destroy It." Poster Placard

Fig. 1.16: Typography: Expression, Hierarchy and Composition; "Design Communities, Not Destroy It." Final Poster JPEG

Fig. 1.17: Typography: Expression, Hierarchy and Composition; "Design Communities, Not Destroy It" Final Poster PDF

Fig. 1.18: Typography: Expression, Hierarchy and Composition; "Design Communities, Not Destroy It" Final Poster Framed

Fig. 1.19: Typography: Expression, Hierarchy and Composition; "Design Communities, Not Destroy It" Final Animation


At the beginning of this module I had a very limited understanding of typography and its scope. Within the 14 weeks of classes, I have acquired more knowledge and gained important skills that are crucial in typography. With the creation of our e-portfolio I frequently update it with the creative process of the exercises and projects that were assigned. We started off our exercises with sketching and through out the module it had been proven to be very useful for better designs. As it was a part of almost all our projects, it helped with idea generation and the next step; Digitization. This is the stage where I truly gained an understanding of the power of typefaces. I was able to express the meaning of a word with a typeface with minimal use of other graphic elements. The digitization process was always followed by animating our work. This was a new area of skills for me and I gained a lot of skills with creating frames for animation. Another important skill I gained was generating typefaces. With what was taught in class, I was able to get a basic understanding of how to generate a typeface with the use of FontLab. I also learned a thing or two about type expressions using manual methods, such as paint, brush strokes and markers.

One of the simple and obvious observation I made from this experience is that, no matter how much attention we pay to the details, there are always room for improvement. I understood this through every exercise and project. After the exercises I had truly observed the power of type expression and typefaces. I understood how the point size, thickness, and other characteristics of the letters convey a message besides the words that is written. This proved to be useful when we were tasked to design our own typeface. A lot of other details within a typeface were also observed after the dissection process. Towards the end of the semester, I was able to look at a typeface and understand the emotions that are being expressed with the typeface used. In addition, it was noted that when dealing with large bodies of text, Adobe InDesign is the solution. It made the alignment and kerning and other adjustments very easy.
As animation was a main component of most of the tasks we were assigned, I found out how a mistake in one frame can interrupt the flow of the animation. Also, I found out that the frame to frame changes and the number of frames effect the speed of the animation. Another finding was how crucial it is to be familiar with InDesign. This is because when tasked with doing a layout for a book or a magazine, InDesign is the right choice. Also, I found out that not every typeface and point size will work with every layout. This is because the kerning and tracking of characters effect the alignment of the entire body of text. Moreover, the role of small details when designing a typeface should not be underestimated. I noticed how the smallest difference in the stroke size, or the angle of a curve can throw off the balance of a word or a phrase.
